Friday, July 22, 2011

Ho la!
How is everything going back home? Its crazy its already Thursday, I feel like I just had my Pday! Which is both a good thing and a bad thing! I'm glad time is flying but it is also starting to stress me out because I'm not sure if I'm ready for the campo (field) I have about 3 1/2 weeks left, not very much time at all it seems!
I'm trying to get you pictures, I'm just trying to figure out what is the best way to get them to you because there are kind of a lot. But I'll get them to you! yes I have actually ran into Parker several times, I took a picture with him on his first or second day so he still has his sweet bright orange sticker on his name tag. Jahde, Parker and I are going to try to meet up and all take a picture with each other on Sunday night and then you guys can hang it in the office at Westlake ;) .
I wouldn't say I'm doing awesome with the language but its definitely coming, I can listen really well but the hardest part is saying what i want to say. There are so many words you stumble over and then you have to change your entire sentence around because you don't know what one little word is, its a bummer.
The weight gain is actually up to 10 pounds since last week. Elder Walton and Spear have been working me hard which is good. When we work out we don't really do a ton, we do it all in about 15 minutes but we just push ourselves to make it hard. We just do pull ups and push ups and that makes a big difference.
My adventure to the outside world was pretty sweet and i am excited for the next one on Tuesday! So Elder Chugg was on acutane and therefore was not allowed to get surgery of any kind so he couldn't get his wisdom teeth pulled, plus his dentist told him he would be fine. But apparently its not okay ha.
Where would we be without this Gospel eh? I know where I would be and its not a very happy picture. Its important in times of trials that the Gospel bring relief to all our trials and problems but its even more important to remember that there is always someone who is going through a more rough time than you that does not know about the Gospel of Jesucristo and are unable to find that comfort that you find in the Gospel everyday. "They are kept from the truth because they know not where to find it".
Mustache Monday sounds like a great idea, we tried it here but it got shot down in a hurry ha. yeah I have been drinking a ton of water too, mostly because the soda and other drinks like that don't seem to quench my thirst really. Its all about water and chocolate milk!
I love the Mormon Messages we watch them probably everyday, I wish they would make more. Have you seen "Hope ya know, we had a hard time" I really like that one. After watching them you feel so inspired to go out in the world and do good. I hope everything is going great for you guys, I'm kind of worried that I'm about to get kicked off my Internet though, I'm not sure if they took the ban off or not, I will have to send you guys some letters with some pictures.
This week I was able to participate in my first blessing it was a way cool experience. I definitely needed it that's for sure. Sounds like you guys are all doing great. I would like to leave you with a scripture D &C 123: 17 " Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power" I hope you guys are do everything you can! Love you bye

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