Thursday, July 14, 2011


I've been doing pretty good, things are getting a little repetitive here but they are still pretty fun! Definitely has its ups and downs. I'm still working out with Elder Walton and Spear every night and its a lot of fun. Last week I checked to see how much I weigh and i had gained 8 pounds, I weigh 136 now. Hopefully its not fat....ha. In our classroom we have a window that looks out across the valley and everyday looks so great and we wish we could go outside and enjoy it sometimes but lately it seems like the days always end in somewhat bad weather.

Yeah it is pretty weird to think that I've been in the MTC longer than all the English speaking missionaries but I'm definitely not ready to start teaching in Spanish that's for sure! We have a time every night where we work out, we only do a little bit but a little bit is better than nothing.

Well I'm glad to hear you guys are staying busy but I hope you are still having fun and finding time to relax! So let me tell you a little about whats going on here in the MTC: So on Friday, Elder Chugg and I taught three native investigators.( I don't think i told you this yet....But the investigators are volunteers) One of them was from El Salvador and she was really nice. The other two were sisters and were from Chile, one of them was a member and the other one wasn't. It was a lot of fun, somewhat difficult but Elder Chugg and I were able to understand everything they were saying and able to teach about how they can improve their relationship with Christ through El Libro de Mormon. So I guess you can say that Spanish is coming! Which is always good! So the other day Elder Chugg and I were able to go to the Outside world...kind of a big deal! He chipped his tooth and so we had to go a Dentist on University Avenue. We felt so cool the entire time we were out there! Everyone says hi and you just feel way cool, I cant describe it. It got me way more excited to get out into the Mission field that's for sure! We have to go back on the 26th because Elder Chugg has to get his Wisdom teeth pulled, that will be fun....for me! I'll let you know how it goes! A lot of districts in our zones have been leaving the last couple of weeks, Its kind of a bummer to see them go! One of the last ones that left, left a bunch of their stuff and left a bunch of clues for us to try to find it. Elder Chugg and I found it first, so be proud!! We spent the rest of the day acting like we didn't have it which caused some of the Elders to start making fake clues for us, thinking they were so funny because they were tricking us when in reality we really got them, it was pretty funny. that will have to be a story I tell you when I get home! Ive taken a lot of pictures so I will send those to you guys soon! Things are going pretty good here for the most part, oh by the way Elder Chugg and I are starting a new fashion trend.....comb over P day. So yes I have a comb over right now and yes, I look good. ;) Hope you guys are enjoying life and doing the things that matter most! "Doing the things that matter most will bring us closer to the Savior of the World" That reminds me, there are some great Mormon Messages out right now, I recommend checking them out as a family for FHE one of the nights! My favorites are "What matters most" and "Watch your step" take time to listen to these great apostles speak for they truly are men of God, I have felt their spirit and I have had el Espiritu Santo testify it to me. LA IGLESIA ES VERDADERA! THE CHURCH IS TRUE! I challenge you guys this week to start up FHE again, Do things that will make our family relationships closer! I love and miss you guys! Thanks for everything you've done for me and the examples you've set! I cant wait to hear from you guys soon!
Love Elder Gleed
P.s. So I don't know the exact flight plans but I leave Monday August 15th at 9 pm. Just a heads up! I'll know the plans in three weeks! Adios!!

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